Among the many styles of dance found in ballroom, the Foxtrot is a classic. It is said to have first appeared in the very early 20th century—1914, to be precise—though the certainty of its origin and name is inexact. Some say that actor Harry Fox created the dance and named it after his grandfather. Whatever the truth, it became popular in the 30s and remains so.
In the dance’s early days, it was done to ragtime music. The dance appears similar to the waltz, but the timing and characteristics are very different. The foxtrot is an excellent dance for a first-time dancer. The dance’s basic steps are a slow slow quick quick timing. As you progress to more difficult steps, the timing changes to a slow quick quick timing. It is often referred to as the “walking dance” as it resembles a smooth, gliding walk across the floor.
The man begins with these steps:
Slow – step forward with the left foot
Slow – step forward with the right foot
Quick – step to the side with the left foot
Quick – bring the right foot in to the left
The partner, of course, does the opposite by mirroring. The steps are danced to a 4/4 rhythm.
Whether you want to learn the Foxtrot, other forms of ballroom dance, or you want to learn something special for an upcoming occasion, we can teach you at Dance Passion Studio. Contact us and tell us what you want to learn, or join one of our dance classes today.