Improve Your Life with Dance

Young couple dances Caribbean SalsaDance is great for your body. It’s also great for your confidence, mental stress reduction, and much more. In fact, learning to dance has the potential to make many things in your life a bit better, if not much better. If you need a boost in your life, be it energy throughout the day, confidence or less stress at work, or patience at home, you can improve your life with dance.

Too many hardworking people neglect their health to meet their career goals. Most, if not all those people know that this is unhealthy. However, we live in a time and world in which a lot of emphasis is placed on work ethic, income, and moving up in a career. Of course, not all people are aware of just how much work, and other stresses in life are affecting them.


Confidence stems from success. It’s even better when that success is the result of good work ethic. If you are having trouble with confidence in your life—at work, socially, in relationships, etc.—you might just need the push of some success outside of work. This builds confidence, and you can take that confidence to work, and anywhere else.


Sometimes, all we need is a little change in how we perceive our appearance. It’s not always about how others see us, but how we see ourselves. If you take up dancing, you’re pursuing a healthy habit. Your body may change, and your posture, too. All this has the ability to help you change the way you see yourself, and thus how you present yourself to others.


In order to have energy, you have to use it. It sounds exhausting, but it’s common knowledge that exercise helps increase stamina. This is true of both the body and mind. Dancing is great for the brain; it exercises your cognition, memory, and aids your balance. Medical professionals even believe it can stave off dementia. Dance can give your body and mind what they need to be alert.

If you want to try and improve your life with dance, then come to Dance Passion Studio. We have plenty of classes to help you on your way.

Staying Motivated for Your New Year’s Dance Resolution

Every year, people make resolutions. And, every year, people give up on them. Not everyone loses that motivation, of course, but plenty of people find it difficult to maintain. If you’ve made the resolution to take dance classes, you have a lot of fun ahead of you. Of course, if you can’t keep up your motivation for that new year’s dance resolution, you will miss a lot. So, try some tips to help you maintain that inspiration.

Let the Music Move You

Dance lesson with latino instructorIs there music that you just love and makes you want to move every time you hear it? If you already feel the desire to dance, you’re well on your way to what you need to get the most of your dance lessons. You can use what you learn in dance classes when you dance to the music you love. So, listen to that music more. Make a list of those songs and go searching for you new ones. Let the music remind you of how much you want to dance so that you don’t let those classes, and that resolution pass you by.

Make Goals

Sometimes, you need more than just a desire to take classes; motivation comes in many forms. If fun doesn’t inspire you enough, try goals. Some people need a finish line to keep them going. If meeting a goal might make you slow down, then set many. Once you meet one goal, you can move on to the next. You could keep going as far as you want, finding strength, satisfaction, and confidence each time you accomplish the things you put in front of yourself.

Have Fun and Meet People

It is much easier to do almost anything when you enjoy it. Dance is always fun. Group classes, in particular are great fun; not only are you learning to dance, but you’re meeting people who are also having fun. Many of them will have the same goals as you, too, and that camaraderie also serves as great motivation.

Take that new year’s dance resolution all the way. Find your motivation to keep going. Come dance with us at Dance Passion Studio and we’ll not only teach you how to dance, we’ll help you keep it up all year if that’s what you want.

Should You Repeat a Dance Class?

Dance is fun for everyone, but it does not always come easy for everyone. That means that plenty of people find themselves in need of some extra classes. In fact, some people may be asking themselves the question, “Should I repeat a dance class?”

It is perfectly okay to repeat a dance class.

dancers  collectiopn  aYou may feel a little awkward about the answer to that question, but rest assured you are not alone in wondering if a repeat course would benefit you. There are many potential reasons to repeat a dance class. Perhaps you simply did not catch on the first time around, and while you certainly got better, you still have much to learn before you feel secure doing the dance on your own. Or, maybe you were not able to take as many classes as you wanted, or needed the first time around, and so taking the course again would be helpful. Whatever the reason, there is no reason to feel badly about taking the course again if you want or need it. After all, our goal is to become good dancers and it is important to have a solid foundation from which to build.

Your teacher can help.

If you’re wondering whether it would be worth repeating a dance class, ask your teacher. Your teacher knows your situation, and can make the best recommendation for you. In fact, you may find that you simply need a touch more confidence, and that you’ve learned more than you initially thought. Your teacher may also suggest that you try a few private lessons, rather than taking the class again. Trust your teacher’s advice on the matter.

It could be fun.

Of course, you could repeat a dance class with no other reason that you enjoyed it. Dance classes have many benefits—exercise, social interaction, something to break up monotony, etc. If you find yourself disappointed at the thought of the class being over, consider taking it again. You may be able to take a more advanced version, or a different type of dance, too. However, if what you really want is to take the same class again, why not?

At Dance Passion Studio, we’ll happily advise you on the best course of action for you, whether it be to repeat a class, move to a higher level, or take private lessons.

Tips for Investing in Dance Shoes

Dancing is a great hobby for many because, unless you do it professionally, it doesn’t require expensive equipment investments. Of course, if you plan on doing it a great deal, it is worth some investment in classes, comfortable clothing, and good shoes. Here are some tips for investing in dance shoes.

Dance Comfortably

EV004621When you dance, you need comfort. Your feet and legs will work hard, and uncomfortable shoes will not help this. Tennis shoes, and other similar sport shoes are not a good idea, as they have soles that stick to the floor, which restricts your movement.  When dancing, you need shoes that will slide and rotate easily on the floor.

Flip-flops and sandals are not good options either, as they are likely to trip you, or fall off. Instead, you should find some comfortable, leather-soled shoes, or some shoes made specifically for dancing.

The Best Fit

For your very first pair of dance shoes, get fitted. Even if you don’t buy the first pair you try, you need an idea of the best shoe size for you. Dance shoes may not always fit like your other shoes. When you get fitted, they may feel a little strange, at first. You will break them in, however. You want the shoe to fit snugly on your foot so that your foot does not slide inside your shoes when you dance; that will cause blisters, and for ladies it can increase the chances of losing your balance, or twisting your ankle when you are turning or spinning.

Made for Dance

When you’re new to dance shoes, trust those made specifically for dance. You can get information online about the best shoes for dancing, or you can go to a local dance shop. You will want to specify what type of dancing you are doing so that you get the right type.

Ask the Experts

Of course, it is always good to ask your teacher’s advice. She or he can not only tell you about the best shoes and fit for dance in general, but for the type of dancing you are doing, too. Plus, she or he knows your level and how much it may be worth investing for you.

Ask us about investing in dance shoes for your classes with us at Dance Passion Studio.

I Have Two Left Feet

There are a few people in the world who learn a new dance easily; they seem to have a natural gift and they pick it up quickly. That is not true of many, perhaps most people. If you have two left feet as the saying goes and feel you can’t dance, do not feel discouraged. You are not the only one. Here are some tips to help you when you struggle.

Be Patient with Yourself

Couples having dancing classAt Dance Passion Studio, we teach beginner students how to dance all the time. You will be surprised at how easy it can be to learn when the dance is explained properly. You may feel an urge to push yourself out of frustration.  This is an understandable feeling.  However, you will have a much easier time learning to dance if you are patient with yourself.  Relax, take a deep breath, and have fun. After all, isn’t that why we wanted to learn to dance in the first place?  When you focus on the fun and don’t try to be perfect, the process of learning new steps can be just as enjoyable for you as dancing the steps once you have perfected them.

Try Private Lessons

In a group setting, a teacher will pace the class for everyone. While she or he may be able to take some time to work with people one-on-one, some people may find themselves in need of some extra time with a dance teacher. If you’re having trouble with a step, consider private lessons. Your teacher can use teaching methods that work better for you in a private setting and you can always join the group classes, too, and have the benefit of both settings.

Never Underestimate Practice

Practice is important for all dancers. Whatever time you may have on your own, find some to practice. For students in the group classes, we will send out links to videos of the class steps as a refresher of what you have learned. This will make it easier for you to practice your steps on your own.  In private lesson, you can video your steps to reference later, as well. It will help you improve greatly.

We want to see you succeed in your chosen dance type at Dance Passion Studio. If you have two left feet, no worries; we’ll do what we can to help so that you can enjoy the process of learning.

Never Miss Dancing at a Wedding  

How many weddings have you attended at which you watched others dance? Did you truly not want to join in, or did you avoid it because you have such little faith in your dance skills? If you do avoid dancing at a wedding and it’s because you feel less skilled and uncomfortable, here is what you should know:

First of all, you’re missing out on a lot of fun.  And, secondly, you don’t have to miss out!

The fact is that most people dance at weddings not because it’s expected, but because it’s genuinely fun. Yes, there are a few who are dragged out onto the floor by a partner. Yet, even they often manage to enjoy themselves. So, why deprive yourself of this fun any longer?

Don’t miss out on a chance to dance ever again.

wedding, danceLife is short; when an opportunity to have some fun comes along, it’s important to take that chance. While you should not do something that you genuinely dislike, if you feel any desire to join something like a dance, it’s much better for you, overall, to do so. Enjoyment releases endorphins, which eases anxiety, relieves stress, and can even ease physical pain. Plus, dancing is an activity that helps people come together, better themselves socially, and build relationships.

Plus, when you sit out, you’re missing an opportunity to celebrate the newlywed couple. A wedding’s traditions are all about celebrating the couple. Dance is a physical expression of love and joy—perfect for a wedding.

So, get ready to get involved.

Don’t let your fears and insecurities keep you on the sidelines any longer. Get ready for the next chance to dance at a wedding, or any other time in which you typically sit out. The best way to do this is to take dance classes and lessons.

It does not have to be a chore, however. Taking dance classes is often as fun as joining on other occasions. After all, they’re both collections of people with the intention of dancing, but who also want an enjoyable experience.

One of the beneficial differences between dancing at a wedding and dancing in class is that you are in a room of people just like you. While you might be surrounded by people who already know how to dance at a wedding, in class you are all there to better your skills, and so there is generally less discomfort about joining in. Learning the steps in class is only a small part of it, too. Over time, you develop more social confidence, and feel more at ease moving with, and in the presence of other people.

Overall, it is great practice for weddings and occasions like them. In time, you could find that not only do you like dancing in general, but you look forward to the next wedding or social occasion where there may be dancing. In fact, you may enjoy it so much that you go searching for reasons to dance. Sometimes, sitting out is not about your skills, but about other insecurities. Working past those takes practice, too, and you may find that you’re more adept at dancing than you ever realized.

Don’t miss dancing at a wedding. Come learn to dance with us at Dance Passion Studio.

When You’re Ready to Move from Private Lessons to a Group Class

Couple learning to dance in dancing schoolIf you have been taking private dance lessons, there are a number of potential reasons you may have chosen to do so. Perhaps you needed to learn something specific, or wanted some extra time on a certain type of dance, or you and your partner are preparing for your first dance at a wedding. Or, perhaps you wanted to learn to dance in general, but felt uncomfortable in a group class setting.

None of these reasons is more legitimate than the other, and you’re not alone. Plenty of people choose private lessons because they don’t feel ready for a group class. They want some extra time alone with a teacher to feel more prepared.

How do you know that you’re ready?

There comes a time, of course, when you will want to consider moving forward and dancing with others. There are many different indicators to signal that you’re ready to do this.

You feel more at ease in general. When you first started lessons, you may have felt nervous, even though you were starting private lessons. Over time, that feeling should dissipate, allowing you to learn more easily. When you feel this, you may take this as a sign that you’re ready to join the class.

Your teacher says you’re ready. Your dance teacher knows more than the dance steps. She or he can establish your skill level and progress. Then, your teacher will be able to tell when and how much you have progressed, and let you know when you’re ready to move to a group class.

You want to find a dance partner. If you have been taking dance lessons on your own, primarily, then there may come a time when you will want a partner with whom you can dance while your teacher instructs. When you do, it is probably time to move into a group class.

There are additional benefits to joining group classes when you’re ready. When you’re ready to meet other people who enjoy dancing as much as you, you not only gain partners, you improve your skills. It is always better to dance with someone if you want to better your abilities to lead and follow. Plus, dancing is more fun when you’re surrounded by others who enjoy it, too.

If you chose private lessons because you’re unsure of yourself, you are not alone. However, come to Dance Passion Studio and take lessons with us, and we’ll work to help you find the confidence to join others like you in the fun environment of a dance class.

Choosing Your Dance Class Level 

Depositphotos_6828721_s-2015A lot of people begin taking dance classes because they have never done so before.  However, not everyone is a beginner. There are many, many possible levels of dance knowledge and ability. If you want to take dance classes and you’re wondering at what level you need to begin, consider a few things.


Some people have never, ever taken one step toward trying to dance. These people are clearly ready to start in beginner classes.  In the beginner classes, we start with the basics as though you don’t know anything, then move along quickly adding new steps. So, this is the perfect level for you.

However, even those who have attempted dance before might still benefit from beginner classes. For example, if you have taken dance before, but if it has been several years since you have danced then it may be a good idea to start with beginner classes. The beginner classes are a great way to get a refresher course of your basic steps before moving up to higher level classes with more challenging steps. Or, for those of you who learned in a very informal setting—for instance a friend taught you—then a beginner classes will give you some of those more formal tips you probably missed that could improve your skills.

Because of this, it is well-worth considering a beginner level course if you’re uncertain about your knowledge and ability at all.

Experienced Dancers

Of course, there are those who may feel more confident in their abilities. Someone who learned a dance more recently might be able to jump directly into an upper level class.

Some people are also more confident in their ability to pick things up quickly. If you feel or know that you have a history of, or natural gift for learning things like dance steps swiftly, then you may be ready to start in a higher-level class.

Even if you think you’re ready for a pre-intermediate course, or anything other than a beginner course, you may still wonder what level would be best for you. If questions and uncertainties are still bothering you, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you figure out where the best starting point is for you. Keep in mind that, sometimes, with experienced dancers the only way to know for sure is to sign up for a class level you feel would be best, then we can always move you up or down a level if the class is too easy, or too difficult.  Another option for experienced dancers is to take a private lesson to refresh their basic steps, and to determine the best level in which to start.

If you go to Dance Passion Studio’s website on the class schedule page, you can find course descriptions to give you a better idea of what to expect in our dance classes. Of course, if you still have questions, you can always contact us. We are happy to answer them for you and to have you in any of our classes.

Great Dance Class for an Outing with the Girls 

EV004621Have your outings and get-togethers with the girls gone stale, lately? Are you falling back on the same old ideas—movies, drinks, and dinners at the same places? If it’s time to shake things up with friends, dance classes are the perfect places to shake in general and you can turn them into the perfect girls’ night out.

It Suits Your Schedule

It isn’t always easy finding time for your friends. However, when you are learning something new and exciting, everyone is motivated to find the time. So, when you need a change, dance classes can be just what you and your friends are looking for. They are as flexible as you need them to be. If you go out with the girls on an evening during the week, you can probably find a class then. If you get away together on the weekends, you can take classes then, too. Whatever your normal time to meet up, you can probably find a course.

Even if your schedules change, and so your time together does, too, dance is accommodating enough for that, as well. When you call, e-mail, and text to arrange your next outing, just include the dance schedule. Together, you can narrow down the best times according to the schedule of classes. You may find it helps you decide on a time.

Arrange Something Special

Every now and then, you may want to go out and do something arranged just for you and your friends—something reserved for only your attendance. This is possible with private lessons. They’re not for singles only. If you and your handful of female friends want to have a private lesson, just ask. It is also a great way to make the activity fit into your schedules.

Make a Plan to Use Your Skills

What purpose might a group of friends have to take dance lessons together? Other than doing something different and having fun, you can find any number of reasons to do so. Form a plan. Together, you can find or create a future event that calls for dancing. Choose a club, dance event, or party. Or, plan a party yourselves. Then, choose the dance. Take classes and lessons and have fun learning together. Then, when the time comes, take those skills and use them. Dance a night away at the club. Attend a dance event and participate, maybe even compete. Throw a party, invite more friends, and show off what you’ve been learning. There are plenty of possibilities.

You can all plan to wow your husbands and partners. Perhaps you all wish you had more chances and reasons to dance with your significant others. So, take lessons together. Not only do you spend fun time together, but you also do something to potentially benefit your other relationships. You could even invite your partners along.

Let us be part of your next girls’ night. Come learn to dance together at Dance Passion Studio.

The Other Side of Dance Classes 

Athletic dance teacher instructing retired woman in the ballroomMany people find dance classes fun. They make for a great social pastime. However, there is another side to dance classes; they’re more than a way to have some fun. They offer ways to maintain mental and physical health, interact with others and be more social, and rekindle loving relationships.


Health is very important. Every day we read about the poor state of people’s health in the U.S. While there are plenty of ways to be active and healthy, any activity that qualifies as a way to do so deserves some consideration. Dance is also more than a way to get the body moving—it’s something that gives many people joy. Finding joy in something that helps you stay healthy is not always an easy thing.

Dance also has the potential to aid in the improvement of mental health. In some cases, dance is even recommended by physicians to help manage problems like anxiety and dementia. Studies have shown that the mental power necessary to learn dance serves as exercise for the mind, as well as relief from the symptoms of some mental illnesses. When something like dance offers such strong potential health benefits, it’s worth taking seriously.


For most people, being social is an essential part of life. Without some human interaction, we never learn to communicate and connect with others in healthy ways, which can impact our lives negatively in many ways. Dance classes offer opportunities for social interaction. However, they do not force immediate connections upon people, which can be essential for those who want more interaction, but need a little extra time and space to do so. The activity serves somewhat of a distraction so that dancers do not feel too much pressure to interact. Enjoying the dance also helps distract from and alleviate any anxieties associated with social interactions.


Relationships are about connection and closeness. When two people who love one another find their relationship lacking, or are struggling, a classic method for renewing feelings is to find an activity that you can do together. Often, the activity should allow two people to cooperate, work together, as well as feel emotionally connected. Dance classes or private dance lessons can offer all of this. Learning dance together requires communication and cooperation; two people must learn not only to move together, but to anticipate one another, as well. Plus, the physical closeness and music create an emotionally charged atmosphere capable of reigniting that romantic spark. It also helps that the feeling doesn’t have to end in class; a couple can take what they have learned and use it almost anywhere they please, and anytime they need to feel closer again.

There is plenty to love about dance. Come find out more about all the benefits of learning to dance by signing up for classes at Dance Passion Studio today, and have fun while learning something new.