Featured Dance: Country Western Two-Step

Depositphotos_71735341_s-2015Welcome to Texas, home of the Texas Two-Step, or the Country Western Two-Step. This western dance is popular not only in Texas, but appears in most of the U.S., particularly in the southern states; many places have their own version of this dance, each with its own name.

The history of the dance isn’t perfectly clear; some claim its lineage lies with a two-beat, European waltz. Currently, the dance is generally performed to country music, though it’s not uncommon for dance goers to rely on the Two-Step for any song where the beat of the music suits the steps. Many attribute the dance’s current popularity to films like Urban Cowboy, and to its simplicity.

It has been said that, “Two-stepping is just walking to a beat.” At its purest, this dance is very simple. It can certainly be made more complex by professional dancers at shows and competitions, but, basically, the dance is a gliding quick, quick, slow, slow step. The dancers can also spin counterclockwise as they go.

The lead begins by stepping quickly with the left foot, and then quickly with the right. Then, it’s back to a slower step with the left foot, and then the same with the right. The result is a quick, quick, slow, slow walking motion. The partner mirrors the lead’s steps going backward—a quick step back with the right foot, quick step back with the left, then slow with the right, and slow with the left.  Once you’ve got that rhythm down, then comes spinning, crossing stepping, and more additions to the basic “walking” two-step.

At Dance Passion Studio, experience the joy of this western classic with our fun, laid back classes. Or, if you want to do things at your own pace and schedule, we have private lessons for you, too. Come join us and learn this simple, but essential, dance.